Dr. Matthew Goodman on Mindfulness, Improv, and Letting Go of Control

We wanted to share this interview with Zen-prov! founding teacher Matthew Goodman, PhD on the Improve podcast.

In this episode, Dr. Goodman speaks with Improve Founder/CEO Mary Lemmer about his improv origin story, the overlap between improv and mindfulness/Zen practice, how improv can make us better leaders, and why the world would be a better place if everyone practiced improv : )

Topics discussed in this episode:

  1. Matt’s improv origin story

  2. When he noticed the shift in himself after starting an improv practice

  3. Internal changes versus external changes

  4. Parallel life pursuing psychology studies and improv comedy

  5. Why Matt lived in Alaska

  6. Psychology, improv, and mindfulness

  7. What’s going on in the mind when improvising

  8. Control - wanting it and relinquishing control

  9. Improv showing how much we rely on control and better enabling us to let go of it

  10. What improv has enabled him to do because of improv

  11. His year at a Zen Buddhist monastery

  12. The documentary he made

  13. Improv as an outward mindfulness practice

  14. The struggle to be present

  15. How he brings improv into his work as a psychologist

  16. Mary’s good questions

  17. The importance of learning to listen and be present with people

  18. The opportunity for hospital settings to benefit from improvisational principles

  19. What the world might be like if everyone practiced improv

  20. Improv exercises that help us practice letting go

  21. The future of leadership


Experts on Improv: Philosophies for Performance and Life