Experts on Improv: Philosophies for Performance and Life

We wanted to share a few videos of expert improvisors sharing their philosophies. Hope you find these helpful!

Jason Mantzoukas

Mantzoukas helps us realize that we don’t have to “try” to be funny; just be real! This is often where the best stuff happens. In this clip, Mantzoukas shares how he instructs his students to be comfortable with “noting happening” on stage. How Zen is that?!


Keegan-Michael Key

Keegan-Michael Key uses the analogy of “backing out of a room” to describe improv! As the scene unfolds, we discover more and more about the characters, relationship, setting, and story. We don’t plan these things in advanced; we start with almost nothing, and create something beautiful from this, piece by piece. This speaks to the creative process of “discovering” and allowing the muses to work their magic.


Thomas Middleditch & Ben Schwartz

Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz share some of their best practices for creating their hilarious performances: “yes-and” (listen!), make the other person look good, and be specific!


Dr. Matthew Goodman on Mindfulness, Improv, and Letting Go of Control


Improv for Anxiety: Re-Wiring the Brain for Presence Through Play